this news has been interpreted wrongly with claims that installing 3rd party Hackintosh kexts in /Library/Extensions (/L/E) on MacOS Catalina and later will result in MacOs refusing to load them and that you should use Clover to inject 3rd party kexts. There have been a few posts on this and other sites claiming that Apple has "clamped down" on non-authorised 3rd party kexts when installed in /Library/Extensions (/L/E) with effect from mid-February 2020. ** Lilu and it's plug-in's have a built in method for debugging and logging which also work's if they are injected.įebruary 2020 kexts installed in /L/E miss-information. Everything running in kernel memory (including kexts) is actively managed and monitored by MacOS wheres as injected kexts are not. In reality kext's installed in /L/E are loaded into MacOS's kernel memory which is 'protected' (IE: segregated) form application memory and execution memory. * I use the term "protected MacOS memory" in this guide as a generic descriptive term. Injected Kexts are not included in the kernel cache and thus are excluded form MacOS error checking **.Some older 3rd party kexts do not work correctly when injected by Clover.Injecting a large amount of kexts may result in an unstable system.Injected Kexts live outside of "protected MacOS memory" *.Why should I use /Library/Extensions over Clover Injected kexts ? Which method you use is entirely personal choice, there are pros-and cons for each method which are discussed at length elsewhere in these forums.ģ.
You can install all your 3rd Party kexts (including FakeSMC) in to /Library/Extensions (/L/E) which is the method that this guide will cover. When using the Clover boot-loader there are two methods we can use for 3rd party kexts that are needed to run MacOS on non-Apple hardware.Ģ. Note: If you are using VirtualSMC in place of FakeSMC then you should replace all instances of FakeSMC mentioned in this guide with the Lilu and VirtualSMC kexts, some users have reported that it is necessary to use LiluFriend to load VirtualSMC early enough in the boot process - see posts #7 to #13 for more info.Ģ. The methods detailed in this guide will work on the following versions of MacOS What Versions of MacOS does this guide cover ? For Big Sur and above it is highly recommended that you use the OpenCore boot-loader which uses a much improved kext injection method.ġ. The methods detailed here are now considered legacy methods and should only used with older versions of MacOS as detailed below. Note: This guide was originally written to support MacOS Mojave and older versions (< r5200) of the Clover boot-loader. Installing 3rd Party Kexts in /Library/Extensions Building a CustoMac Hackintosh: Buyer's Guide